I took some time off today to wander down to the auction being held at 2626 Victoria Drive. I went because I wanted to gauge in real time what is happening with the Laguna Beach real estate market.
This home was on the MLS at a reduced asking price of about $2,500,000. After the auction failed (see below), the listing price was cut by $300,000. Call me strange but I got a kick out of the auction.
The auction took place at about 1:20 pm inside the house. About 20 bidders looked on. The seller couldn't have asked for a more perfect day - the strong sun was sparkling off of a wide swath of the Pacific ocean - all viewable from the front deck. It was an uncertain atmosphere, with the bidders eyeballing each other and not quite knowing what to expect.
From the general appearance of the bidders and the cars they drove, I could tell that most bidders were fairly affluent.
The auctioneer first covered the terms of the Auction. The the winning bid had to pay an additional 6% buyer's premium, had to put 10% down by this Monday, and had to close escrow in 30 days. No contingencies were allowed for a winning bidder to obtain financing. The advertised reserve price was $1,900,000. I didn't check the auction disclosure for the square footage of this 3 bedroom house, but I'd guess it was about 1500 square feet. Not big.
The auctioneer tried to make a big deal out of his opinion that people would be getting one heck of a deal. He started bidding at $5,000,000 as somewhat of a joke. Silence.
He went down to $4,000,000. More silence.
He went down to $3,000,000. More silence.
He went down yet again to $2,000,000. More silence!
He went down to $1,500,000 and got a hit. One of the "Internet" bidders seemed to have placed a bid. Was it a real bid? I have no idea.
Having a starting point, the auctioneer went to $1,600,000 and did his auction lingo in that price range for a while. This was met with silence from the crowd. No one bid. The auctioneer then singled out a person in the crowd - "Sir, you are interested in this property, aren't you?"
To which the gentleman replied "Not at this price." Priceless!!!
The auctioneer, having absolutely no success in getting any other bids, announced that the action was over and that there was no winning bid because the reserve price hadn't been reached. All expectations were deflated and the bidders dispersed into the sunny Laguna Beach afternoon.
I'd say the owner of 2626 Victoria Drive can't face the reality that his home is really worth $1,500,000. It probably will be worth less next month! This shows me that Laguna Beach home values are a LOT lower than the asking prices. Only a moron would pay anything close to the asking prices of most of the properties currently listed in the MLS. In some coming posts, I'll detail some actual moronic buying decisions and how these buyers have lost huge amounts of money in very short times. Until then, enjoy the weekend and any open houses you attend.